Driving While Texting
Ohio Revised Code 4511.204 makes it illegal to operate a motor vehicle while using an electronic communications device.
For more information about ORC 4511.204, click on this link https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-4511.204.
The Elyria Municipal Court handles violations of 4511.204 in the following way:
If this is the first time you have received a citation for violating 4511.204 in two years, the traffic citation will indicate whether your appearance in court is required. This information is located in a BOX titled “Personal Appearance Required: YES NO” near the upper left of the ticket.
* If appearance is marked YES, you MUST come to court by the summons date located on the second line of the ticket. At that time, you will be given a chance to talk to the Judge or Magistrate, who will then explain your options.
* If appearance is marked NO, this means you do not have to appear.
* You may appear in court by the summons date on the citation to inform the Judge or Magistrate you wish to take the Distracted Driver Course. This course is only offered if you appear in court and is online and free (See the link below). If you elect to take the course, you will have 90 days to complete it and bring your certificate of completion to the court. Upon proof of completion, the fine will be credited in full, and 0 (zero) points assessed. You will still be responsible for paying the court costs, and the record of conviction will be sent to the Ohio BMV.
Click here to take the course: https://publicsafety.ohio.gov/what-we-do/our-programs/ohio-driver-training/for-drivers/resources/distracted-driving-safety-course
* You may also WAIVE your appearance by pleading guilty by paying the fines and costs in full. Your conviction will be reported to the Ohio BMV and you will be assessed 2 points.
To waive your appearance, click on the following link: Make a Payment. You can search for the case by your name or ticket number. You may also use the “Pay by phone” option. All of this is listed on the link above.
Please remember once you Pay the Waiver, a guilty plea will be entered on your behalf. By doing so, you agree to waive the right to take the online class. We are required to report the conviction to the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, and you will be assessed 2 points against your license.
Please note the above procedures only apply to a citation with only the 4511.204 violation on it. If you have questions, feel free to call the court or plan to appear on the summons date on your ticket.
If this is the second violation of 4511.204 within two years, the fine increases to a maximum of $250.00 plus costs, and the number of points on your license increases to three.
If you have had more than two violations of 4511.204 within 2 years, the fine may increase to $500.00 and may include the suspension of your license and 4 points on your license. Appearance in court is mandatory for the third or more offenses.